These are replacement OPT files (3D models) for LucasArts' X-Wing: Alliance. If you have XWA, you might know how to install them. If you don't know, I'm not going to tell you (because I've forgotten :-)
Lower-detail X-Wing vs TIE Fighter versions of some ships are also available.
Original models
- Star Yacht (released 22nd September 1999, re-released 6th May 2003)
- Original model intended to depict the Baudo-class Star Yacht Pulsar Skate, as described in Michael Stackpole's X-Wing books. (Since making this model, I've seen a picture of the Skate in a Star Wars graphic novel, and it looks nothing like how I imagined it)
- Stormclaw Heavy Fighter (released 1st August 1999)
- Stormclaw version 2 (released 7th September 1999)
- Two versions of a heavy assault fighter of my own design. Version 1 was a direct conversion of my X-Wing vs TIE Fighter model.
- Version 2 is a smoother-looking version with a higher polygon count, designed specifically for X-Wing Alliance.
Modified models
- B-Wing "Ugly" (5th August 1999, v1.1 repackaged 6th May 2003)
- "Ugly" starfighter made from a B-Wing, X-Wing wings and a recycled anti-tank cannon. The concept is from one of the Corellia books by Roger Macbride-Allen, the model is derived from the ones provided with XWA.
- Cloakshape Bomber (21st August 1999, repackaged 6th May 2003)
- "Ugly" starfighter made from a Cloakshape fighter and a TIE Bomber. The model is derived from the ones provided with XWA.
- Crate (25th September 1999, repackaged 6th May 2003)
- A broken CN/A. The model is derived from the one provided with XWA.
- TIE-X "Chir'daki" (released 1st August 1999)
- A TIE-X "Chir'daki" "Ugly" starfighter. The concept is from Michael Stackpole's X-Wing books, the model is derived from those provided with XWA.
- TYE-Wing (released 1st August 1999)
- A TYE-Wing or Die-Wing "Ugly" starfighter. The concept is from Michael Stackpole's X-Wing books, the model is derived from those provided with XWA.
- X-TIE (released 1st August 1999)
- An X-TIE "Ugly" starfighter. The concept is from Michael Stackpole's X-Wing books, the model is derived from those provided with XWA.